Thursday 10 March 2022

Why do Students Prefer Learning Node JS?

We all know the future is becoming completely online and digital. We are in a crucial era of the digital revolution witnessing history for technological development. Hence, there is an increase in demand for web development. The youth is inclined to learn about coding and programming language- here comes the role of Node JS


You must have heard about Java and Python—for web development craftworks. They are arguably the most famous. But another skill that many look forward to learning is Node.js. Every web developer needs to learn node js in their toolkit.


Know the basics of Node JS uses


Before knowing why students prefer it, let's first know the basics of the Node JS application.


Most individuals believe Node.js is a framework or a programming language, but in truth, it is neither. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime or software that’s created to run other software. Particularly, Node.js is a cross-platform backend open-source software made on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that runs JavaScript code beyond a browser.


Node.js utilizes an event-driven, single-thread I/O model rather than the more standard thread model, which appears to be lightweight and positively efficient at creating real-time applications (RTAs). It also suggests Node.js utilizes fewer strings of code than other methods/processes.

Unlike different other software, Node.js works through event looping.  It permits developers to operate non-blocking I/O that can handle numerous requests. Event looping starts following after an input script is executed, and Node.js leaves an event loop when there are no more callbacks to do. These kinds of procedures let developers do better and more while utilizing fewer resources and memory.


One thing you need to learn about Node.js is that you can’t use it for heavy computation. However, it is good in handling a myriad of transmissions and communications at once and it’s quite exceptional for scalability.


Let’s put it simply-


If the above seemed like reading Spanish, here's why students need to learn Node JS. It is highly versatile. Developers use it to construct conventional websites and backend services, for instance, APIs. Who doesn’t use chat apps and binge watches web series these days? Node JS is used in command-line applications, chat applications, streaming services like Netflix, single plus multiplayer games that work with one’s browser, and more.



Node.js makes the construction of scalable network applications easy and quick. This is why it’s the preferred tech stack for a few of the largest apps on the web, like Uber, Paypal, and Netflix. It also offers a great leg-up to aspiring web developers wanting to be well-versed in all aspects of a web application.


All of them are the future of pleasure and communication. Hence, students know that Node JS is the way to make money.


It is accessible and easy-to-learn

It lets you to work both the backend and fullstack of an application

It has knowledgeable and valuable real-life application


These are the main reasons why students prefer learning Node JS. You can become a node js developer and have a guaranteed bright future ahead.

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