Thursday 23 July 2015

For a Beginner Web Developer PHP is the Best Possible Platform

PHP is still now the most versatile and robust platform to learn web development for a beginner. Some potential reasons are given in this article.

Few sectors of Information Technology are rapidly expanding and among them Website Development is one of the foremost industries. To develop a website you may implement whole lots of programming languages but to be an expert you have to choose a singular one. At present many Object Oriented Programming Languages are applied for developing an exquisite website. Few such are Ruby, Python, Symphony etc. that are actively promoted before the beginner learners. However traditional programming languages meant for website development like PHP still holds a solid ground. Let us see why PHP is still so popular?
Advantages of learning PHP in a brief
  • Easier learning platform of PHP- PHP is a language everyone can begin with in spite of not having a thorough Computer Science background. But it is not that you can begin learning PHP without minimum knowledge of computer languages. At least C and C++ are basics that one should have knowledge.
Python, Ruby or Symphony is purely based upon Object Oriented Paradigm. For a beginner coder creating programs out of this setup is quite troublesome. He/she gets proficiency in such environment after a good deal of experience.
You will say that learning OOP is a necessity nowadays, I agree. But after teaching in this profession for the last 10 years my career experience tells me that for learners it is easier to code without an OOP atmosphere at first and they become flexible to code in OOP after they code in non-OOP structure.
The OOP layer of PHP is very easy to learn and comes at a later stage of coding. For beginners it is a welcoming platform.
  • Easier platform to create real life products- One of the biggest appealing things with PHP is that the language was specifically written for developing websites. That is why it is so easy for a beginner developer to create an app. In addition you can so easily make an app live via uploading it on a PHP enabled server. To do the same jobs via Python or Ruby is a complex affair.
Problems with Python or Ruby is that these languages were created to serve general purposes of programming and later on adopted for website development and that is why apps could not be so easily created via these platforms.
  • Still now PHP is the biggest used platform for developing websites- For imparting practical programming skills PHP is still the best platform. An impressive 80% of websites as well as web apps are developed via PHP. Whereas the total shares of Ruby and Python is 7%.
I have seen many programmers who after working for a considerable time with Python or Ruby have shifted to PHP as lots of website related works can be performed with it.
Total shares of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to run popular websites all over the world is 30% and PHP is the base upon which all these 3 CMS platforms are located.
All the above mentioned reasons hold good with selecting PHP training courses for you, to start a lucrative career in web development. My suggestion is to go for it after a good deal of research to select the best coaching institution or online tutorial.
Miss Debolina is a proficient web developer and faculty member associated with a top web development company and research centre.